Monday, April 18, 2011

Talk-text technology heading for your Nissan

Posted on 5:30 AM by ibnu hajar

by. eddie sherman 
Technology is a funny thing. Sometimes new knowledge makes the world a safer place. For example airbag technology has come a long way and now front and side airbags come standard on most vehicles. Also, new technology in automobiles can tell drivers when they are drifting into neighboring lanes, when changing lanes is a bad idea and even alert drivers when they are falling asleep at the wheel. This kind of technology is rapidly being improved, while utilizing cost-saving measures, and it is just short amount of time before it will all be standard on all levels of vehicles.
However, other times technology makes the world a more dangerous place. Often this technology comes in the form of entertainment devices and thus, is more popular and widespread use is common. For example, touch screen entertainment systems that sit in the front dash of vehicles can now play DVDs - of course intended for the viewing pleasure of the front and rear passengers, not the driver. But all drivers are human and it is only a natural response for drivers to glance at the scene, especially in reaction to the passenger's natural responses to a funny, gory or scary scene. This kind of technology, although entertaining, can make the world a more dangerous place, specifically on roadways that are already dangerous enough. 
Another dangerous, albeit extremely convenient, technology is the cell phone. Specifically, texting is a huge distraction while driving but unfortunately a common occurrence. It is widely accepted that texting is just too dangerous to do while driving, but living by this bit of wisdom is another story. While most people have good intentions, reaching for a cell phone for just "one quick, short text" is many times hard to resist. Unfortunately this "quick text" can result in a smashed vehicle so demolished that the local Algonquin used car dealer can't even make a buck on it.
But thanks to new Microsoft technology, the dangers of texting while driving may be a fact of history, which means safer roads and more product for the local Algonquin used car dealer to work with. Window's new Embedded Automotive 7 technology may soon be an available upgrade on a new vehicle at the local Naperville Nissan dealer. 
This technology links smartphones to Bluetooth technology and links contacts and calendars into the vehicle's memory system. Then, when the driver wants to send a text message, he or she can simply speak the message and direct it to a contact in their phone and voila, the message will be sent. With this technology, texting no longer requires hands off the wheel or eyes off the road. With technology like this, safety and convenience combine to make the world a safer, yet at the same time, a more entertaining place.
In addition, the software that will likely be available soon on cars sold by the local Naperville Nissan dealer will also control the vehicle's sound system and have the ability to link personal music players to the vehicle's surround sound, again through Bluetooth technology. Technology that makes the world safer and more entertaining - now that is a sweet thing!

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